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  • While a favorite healthy snack for people, grapes, raisins, and currants can cause kidney failure in dogs. Fortunately, dogs who receive prompt decontamination and treatment prior to symptoms developing are more likely to have a good prognosis following exposure.

  • Hookworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos gancho son parásitos intestinales de los gatos y los perros. Se llaman de está forma porque sus partes bucales tienen forma de gancho. Usan estas partes para anclarse a la pared de los intestinos. Miden sólo unos 2 o 3 mm (1/8) de largo y son tan pequeños de diámetro que apenas pueden verse a simple vista. Los parásitos gancho se alimentan de los tejidos y sangre del huésped.

  • Heatstroke is another term for hyperthermia. Dogs suffering from heatstroke can have varied signs, from high respiratory rate to coma, depending on their temperature. Prognosis depends on the extent and duration of temperature elevation. Some dogs recover normally, but more severe cases will have permanent organ damage or may die from hyperthermia.

  • Hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver syndrome, is unique to cats and is one of the most common liver diseases seen in cats. Usually a cat with hepatic lipidosis has recently gone through a period of anorexia (little or no eating) for 3 to 4 consecutive days. Diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis is made from blood tests that demonstrate poor liver function and/or from a liver biopsy or fine needle aspirate. Hepatic lipidosis is treatable with aggressive nutritional support until a normal appetite returns. Treating the underlying initial cause of the inappetence is also essential for full recovery.

  • Care of Open Wounds in Dogs

    Las heridas varían en función de: 1. Su causa: heridas punzantes, abrasiones, laceraciones, etc. 2. Su localización: abdomen, ojos, patas etc. 3. Su grado de contaminación: limpias (quirúrgicas), contaminadas (infectadas) etc.

  • Urticaria, or hives, is a skin condition characterized by raised red skin welts caused by direct contact with a substance that causes an allergic reaction. These substances include insect bites, food, pollens, molds, vaccinations, and medications. If the swelling progresses to the throat, breathing can be compromised and result in a medical emergency called anaphylaxis. Injectable antihistamines and corticosteroids usually bring about a dramatic improvement, sometimes in as little as a few minutes.

  • There are many potential hazards that pets face during the holidays. With common sense and planning, exposure to these hazards can be avoided, preventing injury or illness. Hazards include tinsel, electrical cords, string from meat, ribbons, Christmas tree water, holiday plants, and food such as chocolate. Some cats do better if given a safe space to stay, away from company, and may require calming remedies to help minimize anxiety and stress during the holidays.

  • There are many potential hazards that pets face during the holidays. With common sense and planning, exposure to these hazards can be avoided, preventing injury or illness. Hazards include tinsel, electrical cords, string from meat, ribbons, Christmas tree water, holiday plants, and foods such as chocolate and bread dough. Some dogs do better if given a safe space to stay, away from company, and may require calming remedies to help minimize anxiety and stress during the holidays.

  • Birds are naturally mischievous and if not properly supervised, will get into many predicaments. It is crucial that you bird proof your home. The bird's cage is its house and the confines of your home represent the bird's environment.

  • Cats, with their curious nature, may fall victim to poisoning within the home. Cats’ small size, lack of ability to metabolize certain drugs, and their tendency to hide symptoms when ill, make their poisoning less obvious compared to dogs and may also delay treatment.