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  • Coccidia are single-celled organisms that can act as parasites after infecting your dog through the gastrointestinal tract. The most common form affecting dogs, Isospora, is not a concern for infecting people. They are highly resistant to environmental conditions and cleanliness is important to prevent re-infection. Treatment is often simple with the appropriate antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian.

  • Flea Control in Cats

    La pulga más común en el gato y en el perro es la pulga del gato (Ctenocephalides felis), aunque en los gatos también podemos encontrar otro tipo de pulgas como las pulgas de los conejos, ardillas y otro tipo de fauna salvaje.

  • Flea Control in Dogs

    Las pulgas no tienen un hospedador específico. Los gatos y los perros comparten las mismas pulgas y por eso es importante que todas las mascotas de la casa se traten con la medicación adecuada. El tratamiento de los animales es relativamente simple, ya que sólo se ha de eliminar a la pulga adulta.

  • Cryptosporidium is a species of single-celled parasite that can infect your dog through the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical signs such as diarrhea and weight loss may only be seen in immunosuppressed patients, including puppies. These patients may need supportive care and other treatment to control disease. Certain Cryptosporidium species can be spread between pets and humans, making this parasite zoonotic.

  • Cuterebra are botflies that spend the larvae stage of their lifecycle within rodent or rabbit hosts and can accidentally infect dogs. They enter through the nose, mouth or a skin wound. They usually develop a cyst under the skin that can be located as it enlarges and often a breathing hole can be seen. The larva (warble) will leave the dog when it is ready to form a pupa but it will often leave behind a secondary bacterial skin infection or abscess in the empty cyst. Rarely, the larva/cuterebra migrate aberrantly through the dog causing inflammation and damage to different tissues, including the brain and eyes, and even potentially cause a severe systemic inflammatory response. Treatment depends on what damage has been done and can include removal of the warble, debridement or removal of the cyst, antibiotics and symptomatic and supportive treatment of the results of aberrant migration. Prognosis is generally good if only the skin is involved. Cuterebra infection can not be prevented easily, so monitoring the dog regularly for signs is important.

  • Cuterebra is the scientific name for the North American rabbit or rodent botfly. Cats are accidental hosts of Cuterebra larvae, and they are rarely evident from external skin inspection. A hole enlarges when the warble has matured, often leading to an infected empty cyst. Treatment depends on when the condition is discovered, and in many cases, antibiotics are used to treat secondary infections.

  • Cytauxzoonosis is an often-fatal disease caused by a tick-borne protozoan parasite, typically found in bobcats. It is more commonly seen in the southern United States but is spreading with tick migration. It can cause anorexia, lethargy, respiratory difficulty, anemia, and jaundice. Diagnostic testing, treatment options, and preventives are described in this handout. This disease is not transmissible to dogs or humans.

  • Demodectic mange is caused by a parasitic mite that lives in the hair follicles of dogs. As long as the body's immune system is functioning properly, these mites cause no harm. Demodectic mange most often occurs when a dog has an immature or weakened immune system, allowing the number of skin mites to increase rapidly. Topical, oral, and injectable medications are available to treat demodectic mange.

  • Miliary Dermatitis in Cats

    La dermatitis miliar es un término general usado para describir una condición cutánea en los gatos que normalmente suele ser consecuencia de una reacción alérgica. Debido a que la mayoría de las dermatitis alérgicas o reacciones de la piel en los gatos son provocadas por una alergia a las pulgas, los dos términos han llegado a ser sinónimos.

  • Diarrhea is a symptom of an underlying problem that may be minor or very serious. Some cases may resolve on their own or with minimal treatment, while other cases require in-depth diagnostic testing and more aggressive treatment to address the underlying condition. The possible causes, diagnostic tests, and treatment protocols for diarrhea in dogs are numerous and are explained in this handout.